Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Naches Valley High School mini-reunions.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014.  One of the nice things about coming back to Washington State is that we get to not only see family, but also old friends.  This past summer was no exception, plus I got an added bonus: two mini-unions with former schoolmates from Naches Valley High School (NVHS).  The first mini-reunion took place while we were in Yakima, WA (and actually BEFORE we went on the Alaskan cruise, so, yes, this blog entry is not in proper sequence), visiting my Mom and sister, Carolyn, and her husband, Steve. After re-connecting with a old HS friend in the summer of 2012 -- just by pure chance -- we started the ball rolling to get some HS buddies together when we came back thru the area in 2013.  Thanks to Maggie (owner of Maggie's Apple Cart Cafe in Naches, WA, where we stopped for lunch one summer day in 2012), a couple other old HS chums (Bob H. and Janet G.), and Facebook connectivity to keep the idea alive, we held a little mini-reunion at the Apple Cart.  Maggie graciously (thanks ever so much, Maggie) allowed us to have the whole cafe to ourselves for an afternoon of re-union, telling stories on one another (along with some lies), and just laughing about old times -- it made for a great afternoon.  Lynette was a "good sport" about the whole thing and actually fit in quite nicely with our group of (mostly) 1965 graduates from NVHS.  It sure was fun -- hope we can do it again. Here's a few pics from that first get-together.

 Front row, L-R: Bob H., Larry A., Me, Al Joe W., and Chuck H.  
Back Row: Sorry-can't-remember-the-guy's-name-in-the-orange-shirt, Leroy H. John A., and Kendall M.

 L-R: Patti K-H., Janet G., Maggie, Alice K., Ann H., Chris H., and Lynette.

 L-R: Janet G., Cris W-A, Maggie, Me, Ann H., Chris H., Alice K., and Lynette.

L-R: Patti K-H, Janet G., Cris W-A, Maggie, Me, Ann H., Chris H., and Alice K.

The second mini-reunion took place after we left Wenatchee (so we're back on track date-wise) and really happened because of that first mini-reunion.  Bob and Chris H. live in Vancouver, WA (right across the Columbia River from Portland, OR); I happened to mention that we were headed for Astoria, OR, for some sightseeing and for Lynette to do some genealogy research.  Bob suggested we add a couple days to our travel schedule and stop by Vancouver -- for a couple reasons.  One, it was on our way to Astoria,which was just a couple hours further west of Vancouver on the Oregon side of the Columbia; and two, there are several former NVHS classmates who lived in the area.  One thing led to another, and we ended up spending several days in the Vancouver/Portland area sightseeing and visiting with former classmates.

Two of these former classmates -- Dale and Terri A. -- are actually married to each other.  Dale was a year ahead of me in school and his wife Terri, a year behind.  And just by chance, Terri and my sister, Sandi, were good friends in HS and had just recently reconnected via e-mail.  So, Terri & Dale were anxious for us to stop by and visit. And boy, were they ever such gracious hosts the whole time we were in the area, from opening their lovely home for the mini-reunion get-together one afternoon/evening, to having us over for a hearty breakfast one day, to taking a gang of us on a wine-tasting tour of several local wineries in the area. It was loads of fun and we thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie with everyone.  Can't wait to do it again!

I have to mention that several of us guys played sports together in HS.  In fact, Dale and I played next to each other on the football line.  In those days, the Naches Rangers offense ran one of the last single-wing attacks (think over-balanced line) in the state.  Dale played strong-side tackle and I played right next to him at strong-side end.  We made for one mean duo, let me tell you.  We had fun remembering some of our blocking schemes, with the 46-Cross sticking out.  That blocking scheme (its a running play, ladies) had me crossing in front of Dale and taking out the defensive lineman across from him, while Dale whipped out behind me and took out the defensive end.  Made for a nice big hole for our running back.  I think we could have gotten 5-6 yards easily every time we ran it.  Fun thinking back on stuff like that!   That single-wing attack, BTW, helped us win the Washington State Class A football championship in 1963.  Pretty neat feat! Anyway, we had a wonderful time and here's the proof in the pudding!  Enjoy the pics!

One quick note.  These first few photos were taken in Dale's "Man Cave" garage where he restores old cars. This is where Dale & Terri had set up everything for a potluck dinner.  This garage is HUGE and Dale has furnished it with all sorts of pictures, signs, and other paraphernalia related to cars.  He had three cars on display and you'll see the pics.

 Inside Dale's garage, sitting around gabbing.  L-R:  Tom K, Jerrene M., Bob & Chris H., Alan M., Me, Al Joe W., and Dale.

 We've added Dale's wife -- and our hostess for the day -- Terri, to this pic.  See previous pic for names.

 The non-Naches graduates and spouses of us Rangers.  Good sports all!  That's Steve, Jerrene's husband (and fellow car restorer with Dale) in front with Lynette.

 Dale & I having a good laugh.  Man, I had one great time that day!

 Terri (R) and one of the non-Naches grads posing in front of the GTO Dale is restoring.  A beauty!

 Jerrene, Tom K. and Bob H. having a laugh about something!

 Bob & Chris H. -- nice pic, you two!

Me posing with Chris H. (L) and our hostess, Terri.

 Bob H. and Alan M. discussing something -- probably Alan's wry sense of humor!

 Jerrene M. -- my lovely date for our 1965 Senior Prom at Naches.  What a night, eh, Jerrene?!

 Al Joe W. -- played football and ran track in HS; man, was he ever fast!

 Alan M. and Steve (Jerrene's hubby) goofing off...as usual!

 Alan M. making sure we notice the "Man Cave" sign -- the whole garage was one really neat place!

 '53 (I think) Chevy Coupe -- restored, and for sale!

 Dale behind the wheel of his pride and joy, a restored vintage car....and for Pete's sake, I can't remember what it was.  Darn CRS anway!

Dale & Terri thoughtfully arranged to borrow a 9-passenger van from their son and took some of us on a tour of several wineries in the greater Vancouver area.  Turned out to be a nice sunny day, with warm temps.

And, no, I don't remember the name of this winery, but it sure had some beautifully landscaped grounds!

 Me and my sweetie posing at the winery.

 As I said, beautiful landscaping at this winery.

 Lynette & Terri

 I especially liked how this pic turned out.  Was going for an "artsy" look -- think it came out pretty good.  Again, another example of the landscaping at this particular winery.

The morning before we left the Vancouver area for Astoria, Terri & Dale had us over for a hearty breakfast. Once we were through stuffing our faces, we all adjourned to their wrap-around porch to relax and enjoy one another's company one more time.  Thanks, once again, Terri & Dale, for your hospitality.

 Jerrene M. and Chris H.

 Bob & Chris H. -- HS sweethearts and now an old married couple!

 Bob H. and yours truly.  Bob was the better basketball player, while I could kick his butt in football!

 Our hostess and host for much of our time in the Vancouver area, Terri & Dale A.

 Starting strong-side tackle and strong-end for the 1963 Naches Rangers -- Class A champs!

Can you tell I had a great time?!

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